Illustrations David Ă  Grande Vitesse by C.Attar

Illustrations for the theatre play David Ă  Grande Vitesse by C.Attar

Illustrations published in the theatre revue “La RĂ©colte” n°5 for the play “David Ă  Grande vitesse” by ClĂ©mence Attar. This young audience play has been produced by Maurin OllĂšs at the ENSATT.

Graphic tablet. A5.

Traum serie

TRAUM exhibit

This exhibit was meant to tell the story of my jewish Polish relatives, who wandered throughout the twentieth century with wishes of a revolution growing inside them. How can I make this story my own ? These drawings are a tribute to my family, to their story and even more to the victims of the imperialist barbary in Europe and everywhere. Solo exhibition at the Fil Rouge Galery, January 2023.

Mixed techniques. 2022-2023.

Addiction serie

Addiction serie

I’ve always felt a void inside of me. Like a hole in my head, never fulfilled. It got obvious the moment I took my first puff. I felt like
 For the first time, I was hugged. Unconditionally.

Mixed techniques. A3.


Frescoe rue Vercingétorix, 75014

Frescoe NO BORDER painted after the recent events in Lampedusa. This work is a tribute to migrants from all over the world.

Acrylic painting. This frescoe has been realized in collaboration with the association Hypermur and the 14th arrondissement cultural department.

Comic book Le tireur d’Or

Comic book project Le Tireur d’Or

Le Tireur d’Or is an investigation story taking place during the religious wars, more precisely after the Saint-Bartholomew’s massacre. The main character is a survivor of this night, Raymond D’ArcĂšs. It’s the story of his quest for justice, chasing the murderers throughout the country. The script will be written by JĂ©rĂ©mie Foa. The project will be published by Delcourt, in collaboration with La DĂ©couverte.


Comic book La Peste et la Foi

BD la Peste et la Foi

La peste et la foi est un rĂ©cit gothique fantastique traitant d’un complot antisĂ©mite en 1321.

Encre de Chine. A3. 2021.

Comic book EugÚne Dieudonné

Comic book EugÚne Dieudonné

Historical comic book project inspired by the life of EugĂšne DieudonnĂ©, a french anarchist and illegalist accused of being a member of the Bonnot Gang. He was sent to Cayenne’s prison in 1914 and managed to escape in 1926.

Ink. A3. 2020

Le Silence du Marbre comic book

Le Silence du Marbre (Marble silence) comic book

Historical comic book about the official Stalinian’s regime sculptor during the Russian Revolution.

Husks of nuts, Ink and white gouache. A3.

Les Enfants de Cayenne comic book

Les Enfants de Cayenne comic book

Historical comic book project inspired by the life of EugĂšne DieudonnĂ©, a french anarchist and illegalist accused of being a member of the Bonnot Gang. He was sent to Cayenne’s prison in 1914 and managed to escape in 1926. 2nd version.

Ink, A3. 2019.

“The Ogres”

Serie “The Ogres”

Felt pen on Kraft paper.

Mean dogs

Mean dogs serie

Serie of pencil drawings illustrating mean dogs (greyhounds) biting the hand that feeds them.

Pencil on various formats.